Campaign Evaluations & Research
Campaign Evaluations & Research
Since 1984, Convenience Advertising has had 110+ campaigns independently researched and evaluated.
Below are a selection of studies proving the effectiveness of the Convenience Advertising channel:
Public Health
- City of Greater Dandenong: Public Drinking 2010
- City of Greater Dandenong: Public Drinking Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Paper 2010
- Crime Prevention Victoria: Drink Spiking 2005
- Crime Prevention Victoria: Drink Spiking 2002
- Western Australian (WA) Police - Alcohol & Drug Co-ordination Unit: Drink Spiking Awareness 2003
- Irish Mid Western Health Board: Cervical Screening Program 2003
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA): Convenience Advertising Campaign 2012
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA): Support Group Awareness 2013
- Australian Government & Victorian Government: COVID-19 Messaging 2021
- Australian Government & Victorian Government: COVID-19 Narrowcast Messaging Research Study 2021
Crohn's Disease
- Mersey Drug Training & Information Centre: Drug Information Campaign 1994
- Trimbos Institute: Cannabis Campaign 1996
- Trimbos Institute: Cannabis Campaign Summary 1996
- Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS): Tasmania Problem Gambling 2010
- Department of Human Services (DHS): Problem Gambling 2003
- Department of Human Services (DHS): Problem Gambling 2005
Healthy Lifestyles
Hepatitis C
Organ Donation
Sexual Health
General Sexual Health
- Department of Human Services (DHS): "Condom, Aussie, Condom" Safe Sex Promotion Campaign 2006
- Marie Stopes: Safe Sex Snake Condom Promotional Campaign 2008
- Welsh Assembly Government: STI Campaign 2002
- Department of Human Services (DHS): Chlamydia Prevention 2004
- International Journal of STD and Aids: Evidence for the effectiveness of a Chlamydia Awareness Campaign 2007
- Queensland Department of Health: Narrowcasting Chlamydia Education 2001
- Commonwealth Department of Health: National Gay/Bisexual HIV/AIDS Education Campaign 1991
- Commonwealth Department of Health: Travelsafe (HIV prevention) Thai Pilot Program 1995
- Department of Health: "Discreet Life" HIV Testing Targeting Heterosexual Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) Campaign NSW 2020
- Department of Community Service & Health: AIDS Prevention Strategy 1989
- Federal Department of Health, Housing and Community Services: Travel Safe Campaign 1993
- Federal Dept of Health: "Travel Safe" HIV Campaign 2007
- Victorian AIDS Council: "Check It Out" Campaign 2005
- Department of Health Ireland: Convenience Advertising Medium & Health Promotion Unit Messages 1992
- Department of Community Services and Health: HIV/AIDS Messages on Irish University Campuses 1991
Northern Ireland
- Department of Health Ireland: Convenience Advertising Medium and Health Promotion Unit Messages 1992
- Health Promotion Agency Northern Ireland: HIV/Safe Sex Education Campaign 1996
- Health Promotion Agency Northern Ireland: HIV, AIDS & Sexual Health Educational Programme in Further Education Colleges & Universities in Northern Ireland
- Health Education Board of Scotland: AIDS-Related Advertising in Further Education Colleges/Universities in Scotland 1993
- Health Education Board of Scotland: HIV/AIDS Prevention Toilet Poster Initiative 1992
- Health Education Board of Scotland: Universities & Colleges Convenience Advertising Research Report 1999
- AIDS Action Committee USA: HIV Prevention Narrowcasting Campaign Targeting Gay and Bisexual Men 1996
- Gay Men's Health Crisis Inc, New York City: Narrowcasting HIV Prevention Campaign Targeting Gay and Bisexual Men 1996
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation: Narrowcasting HIV Prevention Campaign Targeting Gay & Bisexual Men 1995
- Health Funding Authority, New Zealand: X-Smoker Programme 1999
- Health Funding Authority, New Zealand: X-Smoker Programme Summary 1999
- Health Funding Authority, New Zealand: X-Smoker Programme Summary #2 1999
Violence Against Women
- Johnson & Johnson: Carefree & Stayfree Sanitary Products 1999
- Libra Slims: Convenience Advertising Campaign 2004
- Department of Sociology, Australian National University: Harm Reduction & Communication - The Convenience Advertising Strategy 1992
- Health Sponsorship Council: Youth Research - Attitudes to Smoking & Poster Design Concept Testing 2004